This is NOT Public Domain, I claim all rights to it's code.
Distribution of this utility MUST be free of charge.
Time Bank is a utility for storing extra time earned by users. Users get extra time from uploading and posting (as well as you granting +5 minutes).
Delete old external file, and old '.dat' files. User's time files (named with numbers) will work fine with the new version.
To setup Time Bank for the first time:
Drag all the files in this archive into the 'externals' folder (found where your Hermes Shared file is located).
Restart Hermes.
That's it!
In theory, a user could store 32700 minutes, that's over 22 days of on-line time! It would take a long time to get that much time though. A few restrictions are given for you to restrict the amount of time users can acumulate.
The restrictions:
Global : This is the global time restriction, no users can have more than this amount of time in storage. This CAN be overpowered with the next restriction.
Specific SL : This restricts users with a specific SL level to have a specific amount of time in storage. I.e. if you want SL 10 users only to have 10 minutes in storage, you can set that up. If the specific storage time is 0, then the global restriction is used.
If a user uses Time Bank on his/her first logon, they will be granted an amount of time depending on the Free time variable (defaulted to 10 minutes).
You can create and delete accounts with the corrisponding commands.
You can view and change an account, this is usefull if you just want to look, or if you want to punish a user for abusing the system. Also some files get corupted (extremely rare) and this command can be used to fix them.
New Features:
v1.1 - Re-compilation for Hermes v1.9, minor bug fixes, minor asthetic changes.
Time Bank v1.0 has a few new features. The first is speed, it has been re-written internaly to be much faster, and have fewer disk reads. Another change is the quick commands, a user can access Time Bank from the main menu using these. Details of the quick commands are found in the on-line help.
If for some reason you need to contact me, I can be easly found on any Tacoma Hermes BBS, here are two: